About us

In May 2012, an overall MoU was signed between the Dutch and Indian Agricultural ministries and work plans were defined. In these work plans, India and the Netherlands agreed to make available Dutch agro-knowledge, technology, research and education for the Indian food production and processing sectors. Furthermore, the governments agreed to support public-private collaborative projects between the two countries. The concept of a Centre of Excellence as proposed in the Action Plan is a showcase and knowledge repository of the best-in-class Netherlands technical practices in the product/ area in focus, as relevant to the Indian context. The CoE are structures in which various development projects implemented by the State Governments can be captured.
The Government of India has approved the project on Centre of Excellence for Vegetables on 11th September 2014 & implementing agency for this project is Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Baramati, Dist-Pune, Maharashtra.

Supply of quality Planting Material of vegetables through production under high tech green house in Soilless media

B. Demonstration of different types of high tech protected cultivation with various types of structures.

C. Demonstration of various cultivation practices throught the Center of Excellence.
I. Various types of vegetable
II. Various varieties
III. Efficient use of water & fertigation with the help of atomization
IV. Standardize good agricultural practices for achieving the international standards of food safety
V. Training to various level of officers NGO’s, Entrepreneurs, etc
VI. Develop chain linkage with green houses vegetable producer with the centre via various media
VII. Create employment generation through protected vegetable cultivation.
VIII. Market intelligence to maximize the income.

Technology intervention

Vegetables in Maharashtra are being traditionally grown and without any technological inputs, therefore, the present interventions are proposed to extend the period of produce availability and increment in productivity:
• Production of good quality planting material under High-tech Green House
• Demonstrations in Naturally ventilated Green House for Tomato, Capsicum, Cucumber and other vegetables.
• Net house cultivation for vegetables
• Open field production systems for tomato, Cucurbits, Cabbage, Cauliflower, Onion.
• Irrigation technologies with drip and sprinkler systems
• Farm equipments: Mulch laying equipment, Boom sprayer, Roto-tiller, Hydraulic machine for laying drip lines
• Post harvest and packing facility
• Organic farming.
• Human Resource Development– Trainings